I am super excited and at peace right now because miraculously I am 99% packed already. That NEVER happens to me. I'm usually up until 3am the night before finishing everything.
I know this is all accredited to the grace of God and the prayers of friends and family, because this week I actually had more to get done before my trip than ever. (I think that fact that I found out about the trip a week before may have put a little rush on things too...haha) There were pictures to edit, a million little things in life to catch up on, exercising to squeeze in-not to mention packing for the trip-and with all this I still wanted maintain relationships and to be present with my friends and California family this week. To God's credit, this week has been one of the most joyous and freeing yet in my time here. He is good. :D
There's nothing like walking under God's covering of His peace and rest,
~moving with the unforced rythyms of grace.
Another little tidbit to leave you with:
"If you're in Christ Jesus, you're as righteous today as you're ever going to be."
-Randy Stephen, Pastor at New Covenant Church,Valdosta, GA
How freeing is that? Galatians 5:1 stands for real-"It is for freedom Christ has set us free."
Today's Shutter Speed: 1/400 (pretty easygoing and relaxed)
It is for Freedom that Christ has set us free! - Love that verse!